SaaS Copywriting

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SaaS Landing Page Copywriting: 6 Effective Tips to Improve Conversions

How to improve conversions with effective landing page copywriting


Wale Adeyemi

Former product-led storytellers @ VEC

Imagine that, as a SaaS founder or marketing executive, you want to buy your first car.

You don’t know much about cars, but you are looking for a good deal.

So you visit the nearest local car dealer.

Getting there, you tell the salesperson you’re looking to buy a budget-friendly car. 

He hands you a catalog that contains the cars in their inventory, along with each one’s features.

On it, you see how one has ISOFIX mounts. Another one has a Rear Defogger, and this other one has an Electrically Adjustable ORVM.


You don’t know the meaning of features contained in the catalog.

And it doesn’t, in any way, help you make a buying decision.

So you leave the shop feeling confused – probably no longer enthusiastic about buying a car at that time.

The scenario I just painted is what happens if you don’t nail your landing page with excellent SaaS copywriting.

When prospects visit your SaaS landing page with the enthusiasm of requesting a demo, signing up for a free trial or freemium account…

…they end up leaving the page confused and disappointed because they don’t know how your product solves their problem.

As observed by Benjamin Brandall, who studied dozens of SaaS landing pages:

“The copy on your SaaS landing page is one of the major factors that determine whether your product lives or dies a horrible death.”

Also, poor copywriting contributes to why SaaS landing pages convert 10.46% lower than pages from all other industries, according to Unbounce’s research.

But it shouldn’t be so.

Perhaps, you are wondering…

“Oh well, I have landing pages for my SaaS product. But what can I do to optimize my copywriting and improve conversions?”

Today’s your lucky day.

I’ll share six (6) effective tips you can use to write a high-converting copy for your product’s pages.

Before we dive in…

Why Your SaaS Landing Page is Not Converting

People have problems they want to solve.

And one way or another they stumble on your landing page with the hope that your SaaS product will help them solve it.

So what happens when they don’t find what they are looking for?

That question brings us to the first of three reasons your landing isn’t getting conversions.

1. Your SaaS Landing Page is Not Product-Led

Gone are the days when you could easily persuade prospects to enter their email address and await a long and unnecessary sales process or a call from a sales rep.

Now, they want to experience the product for themselves before making a buying decision.

And that’s where the concept of Product-Led Growth comes in.

Blake Bartlett of OpenView describes it as:

“An end user-focused growth model that relies on the product itself as the primary driver of customer acquisition, conversion, and expansion.”

Imagine this:

You are looking for accounting software to take the stress of bookkeeping and taxes.

Then you come across two options – let’s label them Product A and Product B.

When you visit Product A’s landing page, you have to fill a long-form and then await a call from a sales rep (which may take days).

Now, on Product B’s landing page, you see, in real-time, how the product works, how it’ll solve your problems, and an invitation to experience the product on a 14-day free trial.

Now, which landing page sounds more attractive and pretty straightforward?

Product B, right?

Now you get the point.

And a key driver for this is Product-Led Storytelling – a term coined by our team.

The illustration below shows what happens when you leverage Product-Led Storytelling to craft your landing pages:

In short, Victor Eduoh, our lead strategist and vetted GrowthMentor, uses this unique approach to mentor and help SaaS companies craft high-converting landing page copy: 

So, if you need help crafting copy with this unique technique…

Get in touch here

Else, let’s proceed to the next point.

2. Your Landing Page Doesn’t Solve the Users Problem

Since the beginning of time, humans have always been problem solvers.

It has birthed inventions upon inventions.

And it’s no secret that there are over 15,529 (and counting) SaaS companies worldwide each aimed at solving one problem or the other.

So when prospects visit, say your homepage either from a paid ad, a blog post, or a guest post, how you craft your SaaS homepage copywriting determines if they’ll become users or bounce.

It begs the following questions:

  • Does your headline immediately do a great job of showing how your product can help prospects solve their problems?
  • Does your copy show how your product will benefit prospects?
  • Does it make use of 
  • Is there a CTA to guide prospects to take action?

3. Not Mobile Friendly

Do you know the golden rule of modern-day websites?

It must be responsive.

In other words, it must adapt to whatever device visitors use to access it – be it desktop, tablet, or mobile.

But here’s something you should note:

As there are over 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, a quick Google Analytics check will reveal a large chunk of your landing page visitors are smartphone users. 

So, optimizing your landing page for mobile users will significantly improve your conversion rates.

Yet, only 50% of landing pages are optimized for mobile.

It’s another mistake SaaS companies fail to correct, which leads to a lower conversion rate.

Two Must-Knows of SaaS Landing Page Copywriting

Before you embark on your SaaS landing page copywriting, the first question you need to ask is, “what is my goal?”

Obviously, your goal is to get conversions but it goes beyond this.

When prospects visit your landing page, what’s the number one action you’d like them to take?

A survey from Unbounce shows these are the kind of SaaS landing pages companies create:


Depending on the stage prospects are in their buyer’s journey, creating a landing page with a single-focused call to action will improve conversions.

2. Know Your Target Audience

Another important thing you need to know before writing your landing page copy is to know your audience in and out.

It’s not enough to know their age, location, gender, or interests.

You also need to know their pains, desires, challenges, motivations, and other psychographic data.

And this is where customer research comes in.

But It will shock you to know that 65% of marketers are NOT conducting this research.

Some people see research as a Herculean task.

But it’s simply finding out what your audience really wants.

To do this, you can carry out surveys, go on Facebook groups, online communities like Reddit or Quora, review sites like G2 or Trustpilot, and spy on your competitors to know what your audience is saying.

In our SaaS copywriting template, we show you step-by-step, how to go about this. 

Once you do thorough customer research, it’s easier to write the kind of copy that speaks to them directly and compels them to take action.

6 Effective SaaS Landing Page Copywriting Tips

1. Avoid Distracting Links

The best way to improve conversions on your landing page is by sending your traffic to a conversion-focused landing page.

That is, a page tailored to a specific offer and optimized to get visitors to do one thing – convert.

Once you’ve done that, the most effective way to improve conversions is to remove all forms of distractions.


Your landing page should guide prospects from the point when they land on the page until they convert.

And this can only be possible if your landing page is free of unnecessary links, pop-ups, and multiple CTAs.

2. Use Powerful Headlines & Subheadlines

The importance of having a compelling headline cannot be overemphasized.

Legendary copywriter, David Ogilvy couldn’t have said it better:

“On average, five times as many people read the headline as they read the body copy. When you have read the headline, you’ve spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

Your headline is an essential aspect of your landing page. It determines if people even open your page in the first place.

Better to craft yours by keeping potential customers in mind – how your product can help solve their problems.

When you do this, your headline immediately grabs the attention of prospects and compels them to visit your landing page. 

You can do this…

By making it about them.

Your headline should make a BOLD promise of your product, helping prospects eliminate their problems.

For example:

Trello does a fantastic job explaining what their product does.

By supporting it with subheadlines

Wiktionary defines the subheadline as:

“A smaller, secondary headline that usually elaborates on the main headline above it.”

From the example above, Trello used the subheadline to further communicate the benefits and the outcome of using their product.

3. Add a Product-led Hero Image

Do you know why car dealers allow you to test-drive a car before buying it?

It’s their way of getting you to visualize what it’s like to own the car.

You can already picture yourself turning heads when you drive – the touch, feeling, excitement, and confidence that comes with being a car owner is second to none.

Igniting such emotions is also a crucial part of your SaaS landing copywriting.

Studies say 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.

So adding images of your product on your landing page make prospects picture themselves using your product.

It allows them to connect with your brand on an emotional level.

Mix Max does a great job of adding an image of their product on their landing page.

At a glance, you can already visualize using their product.

This is a crucial part of Product-Led Storytelling that turns each landing page into a highly-optimized conversion funnel (it comes in handy in steps 3, 5, and 7): 

4. Benefits Not Features

Remember the car scenario I painted at the start of this article?


Now, let’s flip it!

Imagine reading the catalog and you see the ISOFIX mount feature.

Under it, you see it’s a car seat safety feature that protects children in case of an accident – the benefit.

If you are a parent, this will immediately grab your attention because you’d want anything that will protect your kids.

You can paint pictures with words when you talk about benefits…

…not when you use a bunch of features to confuse your prospects more.

Because features tell, benefits sell!

People don’t care about your product!

They only care about how it will solve their problem.

Your landing page needs to show people what’s in it for them.

How will signing up for a free trial or requesting a demo be valuable to them?

Also, your prospects may have one or two doubts about your product.

They are not convinced that it’s the right product for them.

So what do you? 

Let your copy show how your product’s benefits address their objections.

QuickBooks used this tactic to great effect on their landing page:

Browsing through their landing page, you may be thinking, “do I need to be an accounting expert to use this product?”

But this benefit immediately addresses this.

“No need to be an accounting expert.”

And boom! Just like that, the crippling doubt in your mind disappears.

5. Establish Credibility

How do you establish credibility and build trust with your prospects as they read through your landing page?

Robert Cialdini, in his book, “Influence” mentioned six principles of persuasion you can use in your marketing strategy.

One of them is social proof.

And for a good reason.

Buffer defines social proof as:

“A psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.”

In simpler terms, people are likely to take action based on the activity of others.

The best way to get people to take action on your landing page is to show other people taking action.

Like Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Orbit Media stressed:

“When you say it, it’s marketing. When your customer says it, it’s social proof. This is why testimonials are so powerful. The substance is better; it’s an objective, third-party perspective. The style is also better; it’s more authentic, less polished.”

To add social proof to your landing page, you can:

1. Display existing clients Logos

2. Use image or video testimonials & reviews

3. Show the number of people using your product

4. Endorsement from industry thought leaders

Adding one or more social proof on your landing page will persuade prospects to give your product a try.

6. Use a Call to Value (CTV) to Urge Visitors to take action

Over the years, people have said a lot about the importance of having a compelling call to action on your landing page.

But according to Joanna Wiebe of Copyhackers:

“A call to action is best for people once they’ve decided to buy; they already understand the value, so it’s time to stop selling and just make it as frictionless as possible for them to give you their email addy or credit card deets.”

“A call to value is best for people before they’ve decided to buy; it reinforces the value of the offering and works toward convincing the prospect.”

Now, think about the kind of people who visit your landing page.

Have they decided to buy or are they yet to make a decision?

Since most people are yet to decide, a call to value is your best bet as it nudges people to take action.

For example, Crazy Egg uses “Show me my Heatmap” instead of the conventional CTAs like “Get Started” or “Join Now.”

Of course, you are on their page because you want to make your website better, and the only way to do this is to see your Heatmap.

So the CTV does a great job of reinforcing the value and taking you one step closer to your goal.

Conclusion: Improve your SaaS landing page conversion with product-led copywriting

Product-led copywriting is an off-shoot of our Product-Led Storytelling concept. 

But what the heck is that, you ask?

“It is a product-focused form of SaaS copywriting. It involves the art of crafting your copy with helpful stories, showing how your target audiences can overcome obstacles using your product.”

Hear what experts (and clients) have to say about this approach: 

We have a complete SaaS copywriting guide (and template) that guides you through the entire process of improving your landing page copy with Product-led Storytelling. 

Add that to the six tips outlined in this article, and you’ll improve conversions.

Better still, contact us here to help you. 


Wale Adeyemi

Former product-led storytellers @ VEC

Wale was a product-led storytellers at VEC

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The Product-Led Storytelling B2B SaaS Content Studio. A VEC LLC., company, headquartered in Sheridan, Wyoming.


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